
These changes and corrections were made after the 12.0.20064.1 release and are contained in the 13.0.20317.13 release.

  • Gage List colors now supports "Custom" entries based on existing filters.
  • Batch reports now include option for creating Scheduled Reoccurrences, leveraged through GAGEmail service.
  • New Check-In/Out Portal available per GAGEpack computer/station.
  • User window updated to support a badge number field.
  • Added feature for auto-generated User Badge number and ability to print.
  • Added Check-In/Out Portal validation windows with dynamic field selection and requirements.
  • New Kitting gage feature allows gages to be associated with more than one Kit at a time.
  • Unique Calibration certificate and label templates can be assigned to gages instead of the default pair.
  • Added support for "Single Sign On" from Windows Active Directory within a database.
  • Report window UI improvements makes it easier to identify which "My reports" vs "All reports" section a user is currently in.
  • GAGEmail service now has separate line items for Access and SQL versions.
  • GAGEmail sticks to set time for sending emails.
  • In Corporate Barcodes settings, “quick information” can now support more than 255 characters.
  • Improved 'highlight' added for Calibration Step cells when entries are invalid.
  • A user will be warned if they lack permission to write to the database while attempting to reset the SUPERVISOR password.
  • Label Wizard improvements, including:
    • new labels default to having 'Gage number' listed in the Prompts box.
    • the special field [Last calibrated by] will pull from both internal and external calibration events.
    • New 'Save to file' button added to the ribbon for the Gages, Tasks, History, and Catalog tabs.
  • Right-click on column headers will now open the Columns setup window and users can double-click on an item to add it to the grid list.
  • Updated database converter tool and configured "New" database to work for schema 13.0. The Sample Databases were also updated.
  • User is now warned when R&R data is incomplete.
  • New optional Global setting for manually entering the event date for external calibration. With additional validation criteria setting for external calibrations to prevent missing the date entry.
  • Login window title displays name of database being logged into.
  • Method added for allowing user to select a different database without first logging into last database opened.
  • Further improvements to the Calibration Certificate folder and subfolder features.
  • Option to open the linked document instead of opening the cert report for historic calibration events.


  • Minor tweaks for users with View Only Rights, limits which buttons/cells they can interact with.
  • Minor UI form updates for more accurate descriptions and spacing.
  • Calendar fix for disabling and re-enabling due date processing.
  • Update logic for User permissions, can have someone 'add' user but not 'edit' existing users.
  • Improvement for null value storage on Temperature and Humidity fields with validation criteria turned on.
  • Corrected validation criteria issue for multi-gage calibrations due to Time or Cost when there was a mix of internal and external calibrations.
  • Corrected minor issue with "Master Traceability Lookup" report.

These changes and corrections were made after the 12.0.18207.2 release and are contained in the 12.0.20064.1 release.

  • Refreshed data in the sample database.

  • Calibration templates window now has search box.

  • Parts list window search box added.

  • Master gage list window has search box added.

  • PM Tasks lists window search box added.

  • Parts search respects wildcards.

  • Improvements to 2d barcode wizard.

  • Corporate setting added for barcodes.

  • Performance improvements saving choice lists with many items.

  • Refreshed translations.

  • Wear trend analysis compatible with gages which have only two calibrations rather than three.

  • Button added to quickly remove due dates from gage cards.

  • Several minor bug fixes.

These changes and corrections were made after the 12.0.17075.9 release and are contained in the 12.0.18207.2 release.

  • Added ability to use an automatically incrementing gage number for new gages.

  • Additional Columns can be added on the History tab.

  • Right click menu added in the History tab.

  • Ability to select multiple items from the History tab.

  • Can print system calibration labels of all highlighted calibrations via right click menu on History tab.

  • Buttons added for printing the label or calibrations certificates on historical calibration events.

  • GAGEpack SQL can create a new database and connection file from within the program.

  • Default due date intervals can be set at local and corporate levels.

  • Calibration certificate revision can be disabled (either single events or Group / Multi-gage calibrations)

  • Calibration certificate revisions can be deleted.

  • Calibration certificate revisions are now generated in the background, improved performance/time.

  • Filter text moved to above gage list to be more obvious.

  • Filtering area highlighted when it is in use.

  • Visible warnings when using overdue master gage(s) during calibration events.

  • Users can now change password from login dialog.

  • Importing gages from another database will also bring over assets the gages used in the database.

  • Number of decimal places is gathered based on number of decimals included in Maximum column in calibration steps.

  • User Community reminder message every three months.

  • Setting to allow browse pertinent dialogs to only choose files within Corporate File Paths.

  • Automatic list refresh setting added.

  • New Parts that are added during Check-in of Check-out events will automatically be added to database parts.

  • Gage labels can be configured to grab the calibration vendor used on the most recent calibration.

  • Calibration step templates can be imported via 'Import GAGEpack objects' from one database to another.

  • Gage edits are maintained if you click on the main window before saving the Gage Card.

  • Improvements to what happens if you attempt to open a database that is read only.

  • Warning messages can be displayed before launching an event for a gage that is past due for RR or maintenance events.

  • Default R&R reports better reflect number of parts used.

  • Master gage replacement no longer can erroneously display a percent greater than 100.

  • Can search on the master gage selector dialog as well as replace masters dialog.

  • Quick search UX improvement for typing in large databases as well as clearing searches.

  • Skip dates setup UX improvements.

  • Better experience when canceling a database restore.

  • Import events UX improvments.

  • Gages tab can display Days until Calibration/RR/Maintenance due as a column.

  • Temperatures in reports will include unit based on Global settings - Calibrations.

  • Field names can now contain apostrophes.

  • Calbiration due dates are no longer calculated after a calibration when 'Manual' is the method selected.

  • Setting added to prevent gage Check-out when gages is within X days of calibration.

  • Setting added to prevent gage Check-out when gages have never been calibrated.

  • Default lockout time increased when using Full login required.

  • Changes made to choice lists are reflected without database reload.

  • Alert period maximum increased from 99 days to 999 days.

  • Audit trail "Purge records after" feature improved for performance/time.

  • Can close GAGEpack from the lockout dialog without first logging in.

  • Can copy to clipboard version / licence information via button in the Help - About dialog box.

  • Report prompt improvements to show when fields are required or invalid.

  • Ability to delete reports from within GAGEpack.

These changes and corrections were made after the 11.0.15026.2 release and are contained in the 12.0.17075.9 release.

  • New option for allowing main grid to take up all of the window space by collapsing the navigation panel and moving it into the ribbon. Settings has new option for turning this feature on/off. This also allows for mapping shortcuts to navigation. By default, the navigation pane on the left will still appear and user will have the option to hide it.

  • History Filter drop down now includes a new option "All calibrations", "Calibrations" option was changed to "Internal calibrations", and options in drop down have been rearranged so that the most popular options appear at the top.

  • Gage filters are now integrated with the dashboard.

  • Added 'Refresh' button to the ribbon bar.

  • The THUM device will no longer automatically record readings if all of the calibrations being entered are external.

  • Updated Espanol_LA language with Hector Munoz's improvements.

  • New gages have text similar to quicksearch in gage number field.

  • Gage number ghost text in new gage cards now respects user defined fields if changed.

  • Added Include Archived Gages option to Catalog tab.

  • Search and Replace will now automatically backup Access database before performing action.

  • Grayed out the ID field in Vendors preferences.

  • Uncertainty column unhinged from ndp.

  • When gage is out for calibration, calibration steps are no longer grayed out.

  • New calibration events will default keyboard focus to the Result As Found column's first cell in the grid rather than the result combobox (regardless of pass/fail enabled).

  • Added tooltip to arrow button in calibration form.

  • Added support for cloud license server.

  • Quick Search now allows for the ability to specify a column to search on rather than just searching all columns.

  • Master Gage in calibration steps can now be 32 characters to match gage number length.

  • Remembers the N number of Days and the Date selected for Until the Specified Date on the Tasks Filter between sessions.

  • Switching user records username in audit.

  • Switching login settings for database updates switch user button immediately.

  • Instances of 'to do' replaced with 'tasks'.

  • Dashboard is now responsive to corporate settings checkboxes.

  • In Dashboard, clicking the red bar will now only display the failed calibrations.

  • In Dashboard, verifications are no longer included in the Calibrations chart.

  • Combine filter with Dashboard filter when user clicks on charts in Dashboard.

  • DashboardFilter is now cleared out when user returns to Dashboard tab.

  • Gage card "Change" button text improvements for master gages.

  • Checkbox added to print dialog in reports to allow for printing double sided without changing printer defaults if printer supports it.

  • Number of selected gages was not being cleared when user could not see any gages selected. Fixed.

  • Moved filtering out of the right panel to above the grid. Moved some less often used filtering into dialogs that can be envoked through buttons above the grid.

  • In order to make applied filtering more apparent, clear buttons are removed when filter is in place. Buttons appear as soon as user types into quick search or chooses a filter from the drop down menu.

  • Filter information will now appear in the status bar at the bottom of the application.

  • Dashboard upcoming events chart respects corporate settings.

  • Changed all instances of "preferences" to "settings". Changed "Show archived gages" to "Include archived gages".

  • Selection in grid was not being remembered properly after saving an event which lead to right-click for Print Label not working properly.

  • All *.jas reports will respect the margins from printer preferences.

  • Left aligned column headers in grid and changed Name to Event Name on History tab.

  • Now saving column widths and positions for the Audit and History tabs.

  • Documents tab image and docs buttons are now consistent with one another.

  • Reports list no longer closes on edit.

  • Show failed calibs only checkbox added and implemented in history list for internal and external calibrations.

  • Changed all clear button icons from a thunder bolt to a red X to make that button clear at first glance.

  • Splash screen updated.

  • New Copy to Clipboard feature added to each grid's right click menu.

  • Cloning gages now infers information regarding fields user had to enter before to make that process easier.

  • All headers in GAGEpack have been changed from center alignment to left alignment.

  • Units of Measure choice list did not update unless user closed and reopened. Fixed.

  • History Filter drop down used to force the user to scroll unnecessarily. Fixed.

  • The 'Import external calibrations' utility was not properly updating the gage due date intervals when needed. Fixed.

  • Some of the dropdown lists in the filter panel on the main form were unable to display the full text of the options they contained. Fixed.

  • The min and max values on the calibration results grid were not respecting the ndp values after the target for the step was changed. Fixed.

  • Filters were not being applied on the Catalog tab. Fixed.

  • If GAGEpack had multiple windows open and you close one of them, the main GAGEpack window would go behind any other windows the user had up. Fixed.

  • Fixed slight grammatical error on error box that appeared for Filters when using 'Is Like'. Fixed.

  • Load form from previous like event was not working properly for external calibrations. Fixed.

  • Error when calibrating gage with no calibration steps. Fixed.

  • Temperature and humidity text boxes were not validating. Fixed.

  • Multi gage events showed broken link to copy from last event. Fixed.

  • 'Method' drop-down in Gage Card change did not change Close button to Save button. Fixed.

  • Validation Criteria breaks on Internal and External Calibration forms. Fixed.

  • Under Global settings, Email and the Advanced settings was not updating between tests. Fixed.

  • History tab was not consistent with the Dashboard Filter. Fixed.

  • Browsing for a file and then choosing to Cancel without selecting a file caused an exception to be thrown. Fixed.

  • The "new database" button is now available in the 'File' menu in the SQL version. The button will launch the SQL database creation utility.

  • Added a 'License' button to the 'Help' tab of the ribbon bar. This button will launch the license utility.

  • Launching a multi-gage calibration where all included gages are calibrated externally would cause an error. Fixed.

  • PM Tasks would not be displayed on the To-Do list if settings imported from v11 had the 'Group' column showing on the Tasks tab. Fixed.

  • Launching the validation criteria setup window for either the calibration or external calibration forms would cause an error. Fixed.

  • Users logging into a database in "Username-only" security mode were being restricted by their access rights, when they should have had full rights. Fixed.

  • The audit record of the first gage edit following a copy gage or clone gage event would incorrectly include the differences between the original gage and the copy. Fixed.

  • Editing certain fields on an existing calibration event would not trigger a re-save of that event. Fixed.

  • Applying a filter with multiple clauses joined with the 'OR' operator would sometimes cause an error with the to-do list rendering. Fixed.

  • The advanced gage find utility would throw an error when searching. Fixed.

  • The 'Print' button on the Audit tab was not working correctly. Fixed.

  • Previewing the report on the RR Study form while the audit system was active would cause an error later when the form was closed. Fixed.

  • The Maintenance event form was using the calibration procedure and file instead of the maintenance procedure and file. Fixed.

  • The "load form from last like event for this gage" link at the bottom of most event forms was not working correctly. Fixed.

  • Importing custom choice lists from another GAGEpack database would cause an error the next time the choice lists preferences window was opened. Fixed.

  • Typing in the 'Group' selection dropdown when launching a Group Calibration event would cause an error. Fixed.


  • Added a dashboard to the main interface to provide summary information about the gage inventory, including completed and upcoming gage events. Clicking any of the buttons or chart bars will display the relevant records.

  • The audit trail system has been completely rebuilt.

  • The audit system now records what specific fields on a gage or historical event were edited, along with the values in those fields before and after the change.

  • Global-level audit records are now visible on the new 'Audit' tab on the main interface.

  • Gage-specific audit records are now integrated into the History tab of the gage card.

  • The manually-activated audit-purge mechanism has been replaced. The new system, which is disabled by default, will automatically purge audit records once they reach a predefined age (7 years, by default).

  • Added a new user-right to grant/deny users the ability to view audit records.


  • Added a global ribbon bar.

  • The traditional file menu, the explorer bar on the left side of the tasks tab, the toolbar on the inventory tab, the tab-specific grid controls, and several of the right-click context menus have all been removed. Their functionality has been transferred into the new global ribbon bar.

  • Added a "Quick search" box to the global filter panel. Typing in this box will immediately filter the grid so only records that match the search value are visible.

  • The thin row-selection column on the left side of the inventory grid has been removed. Gages can now be selected using the rows themselves.

  • The to-do list no longer has a different font-size setting than the rest of the tabs. The font size of all major grids are now controlled with a single dropdown on the ribbon bar.

  • The four different "print list" buttons that previously existed on the four main tabs have all been replaced with a single 'Print' button in the ribbon bar.

  • The three different "column selection" buttons on the Tasks, Inventory, and Catalog tabs have all been replaced with a single 'Columns' button in the ribbon bar.

  • Renamed the 'Inventory' tab to 'Gages'. The tab will automatically be renamed when/if the "Word to use in place of Gage" preference is changed.

  • Views are no longer restricted to the gages grid. They are now global, which means they can be used to store and restore the grid settings of all tabs.


  • Replaced the keyboard shortcut management window on the now-obsolete toolbar editor and the shortcut viewing window on the now-gone Help menu with a single shortcut management form in the preferences window under 'Local settings'.

Gage management

  • Added an 'Archive' tab. By default, inactive gages will be stored here to remove clutter from the gages grid.

  • It is now possible to bind 'Status' values to a certain Active/Archived state. While this feature is in-use, GAGEpack will ensure that no gages have status values that do not match their active/archived value. This can be configured by editing the Status choice list.

  • Filters are no longer restricted to the gages grid. They are now global, which means that activating a filter updates all main tabs.

  • A new gage card now starts with a blank gage number field so the user can't forget to identify the gage.

  • Copying a gage now puts the word 'copy' at the end of the gage number instead of the beginning so the copy will, by default, appear next to the copied gage in the gages grid.

  • The gage card now clearly identifies archived gages with a label at the top which is visible from every tab.

  • Added the user right 'Archive gages' which grants or denies a user the ability to mark a gage as active or archived.

  • Added gage due dates to validation criteria system.

  • Filters can now handle empty date values when using the 'is equal to' and 'is not equal to' comparison values.

Gage events

  • Added a chart to the bottom of the Tasks tab to visualize the upcoming workload.

  • Gage events can now be launched from any of the main tabs using the new global ribbon bar.

  • All gage event forms have been redesigned to ensure a uniform experience across all event types.

  • Launching events from the gages grid that have a multi-gage equivalent (calibrations, check in/outs, and other) will now open the correct version of the event based on how many gages are selected.


  • The forms used for internal, external, and multi-gage calibrations have all been replaced with a single calibrtion form.

  • The 'Min' column now appears before the 'Max' column on the results grid, all default calibration certificates, and all default calibration worksheets.

  • The 'Page up/down' shortcut that has long been available for quickly entering the calibration results values for variables steps is now available for attribute steps.

  • The 'Page up/down' shortcut no longer requires the gage to have an 'Increment' value defined. It will now use the 'ndp' (number of decimal places) value for the active step (if there is one) to devise an increment on the fly.


  • The 'Refresh due dates' utility and the daily date recalculation routine now have more informative progress bars.

  • The database conversion utility now uses progress bars instead of a textbox to keep the user informed during an upgrade.

  • The 'Submit feedback' mechanism now simply redirects the user to the feedback page on the PQ Systems website.

  • Added a landing page for first time users to help them get started.

Bug Fixes

  • If a gage had one check-out event and no other check in/out events, deleting the one check-out would leave the gage marked as checked out. Fixed.

  • A gage import from a .csv file would fail if one of the gage fields being populated had a name that contained an apostrophe. Fixed.

  • When calculating a due date for a "recalculated daily" gage, the time-of-day of the gage events was not being taken into account, occasionally resulting in incorrectly calculated dates. Fixed.

  • A gage import from a .csv file would fail if one of the date values being imported was invalid. Fixed.

  • The 'Show' button on the filter creation form would not work until the filter was saved. Fixed.

  • The filter creation form would not allow a new row to be created until the previous row had a 'Value' entered, even though a blank value is a legitimate option. Fixed.

  • The history grid colors were not immediately updated after toggling them on/off in the preferences window. Fixed.

  • Using the 'Tab' key while on the Event userfields preferences grid would cause an error. Fixed.

  • Selecting 'Group' as one of the columns to be included in a GAGEmail message would result in GAGEmail being unable to send the alerts. Fixed.

These changes and corrections were made after the 11.0.14121.1 release and are contained in the 11.0.15026.2 release.

  • Added a Global wear-trend analysis utility.

  • Added a wizard for creating 2D barcodes. The barcode types include status, location, gage info, commands, and free form.

  • Scanning an event command barcode from the main form will automatically open barcode mode and prompt the user to scan the gage(s).

  • Scanning a status or location barcode on any event form will populate the appropriate field with the value from the barcode.

  • Scanning the 'OK' command on any event form will have the same effect as clicking the 'OK' button with the mouse.

  • The existing form for scanning barcodes can now handle scans of the new 2D gage and command barcodes in addition to the traditional 1D barcodes.

  • Multi-gage calibration events will now create external calibration events for externally calibrated gages.

  • Added a "Save to file" option to Batch Reports.

  • Added options to the calibrations preferences window which allow for the 'Pass/Fail' dropdown on the calibration event window to be automatically set based on the contents of the results grid.

  • Added a new user right called 'Edit gage fields on event forms' which will grant or deny the user the right to make changes to the three gage fields that appear on event forms, regardless of whether or not they have gage edit rights.

  • Reports that belong to the Report Category called 'User' are now preserved in the default Reports folder between software updates.

  • Gages that have no historical check in/out events will now be treated as "checked-in" rather than "checked-out" when calculating due dates. This will only affect gages using the "Due dates are recalculated daily" option.

  • The size of the calibration form is now remembered between sessions.

  • Restored the pre-9.0 behavior of highlighting the gage number field when creating a new gage.

  • Charts that have back/next capability now have navigation arrows at the top.

  • Added tooltips to the abbreviated columns on the calibration steps and results grids.

  • During a gage import, if a record being imported was missing a gage number, an error would be thrown. Now the record is simply ignored. Fixed.

  • In GAGEpack-SQL, clicking the 'Calib data' button on the 'Calibration steps'tab of the gage card on a gage that has historical calibrations in its history that have no data in them would cause an error. Fixed.

  • References to deleted masters were not being properly removed from gages. Fixed.

  • In certain circumstances, some of the settings on the Calibrations form of the preferences window were not being remembered between sessions. Fixed.

  • TWA-16781, the 'Print gage label after saving calibration by default' option was not being used on external calibration events. Fixed.

  • Search and Replace would not work properly if the inventory screen was using a filter that searched for empty fields. Fixed.

  • Search and Replace was unable to set a field to a value that contained an apostrophe. Fixed.

  • In certain circumstances, using the quick check-in barcode command would fail if the gage being checked-in was past due for calibration. Fixed.

  • If skip dates were enabled and a PM Task was the first event completed in a session, an error would be thrown. Fixed.

  • In certain circumstances, R&R Studies could be saved without a calculation type selected. This would cause an error the next time the event was viewed. Fixed.

  • The uncertainty column on the calibration steps tab of the gage form was not respecting the NDP value. Fixed.

  • Saving a template with a name that was too long would appear to work but the template would actually not be saved. Fixed.

  • Using a choice list dropdown to change the value of a user field on the gage card would not be recognized as a change to the form and so would not be saved. Fixed.

  • If a printer used by GAGEpack was renamed or deleted between sessions, an error would be thrown during the next printing job. Fixed.

  • During print jobs, GAGEpack was generating unnecessary chatter with the printer, slowing the process down. This was especially noticeable in remote-printing scenarios. Fixed.

These changes and corrections were made after the 10.0.13072.1 release and are contained in the 10.0.13105.5 release.

  • Restored the ability to select gages on the inventory list using the barcode scanner.
  • Added [Storage location] to the list of items available under 'After a quick check in set current location to..'. Selecting this will cause the gage's current location to be set to its storage location after a quick check in.
  • The gage number is now displayed on the report generated from the calibration form preview menu.
  • An error would be thrown if the calendar was configured to automatically open on start and there was no database currently open. Fixed.
  • GAGEmail would fail to detect a failed calibration if the previous scan took place after the calibration form was opened and before the calibration form was closed. Fixed.